Random sports discussion, plus anything else I want to write about.

Sunday, September 10, 2006

Puyallup Live Blog, pt. 3

Went out and got some food. Watched some people. Found out that the ride that keeps playing Audioslave and Hoobastank is called El Nino, rather inexplicably. And yes, they are playing that Hoobastank song at this very moment. I am starting to drag. Must resort to fun facts.

Did You Know?

The Puyallup fair is the largest concentration of goatees and sleeveless T-shirts in Western Washington.

Children under the age of 8 are required to vomit while inside the park as a condition of their admission.

That all food sold at the fair must be breaded and deep fried.

4:51-I shouldn't say that there is nothing here for me to eat at the fair as a vegetarian if I desire a real meal. There is one place. I can eat a veggie sub. I have it with some chips and a sprite. I eat this every day as my fair meal. Today was no exception. I sat atop the International Village, and I ate my veggie sub and chips and drank my sprite. Its lemon-lime flavor was quite refreshing. It is sunny and a light wind is blowing. It is quite comfortable, actually.

The vegetarians who run the henna stand have reached out to me. They offered me hummus, the chosen olive branch for all vegetarian attempts at reaching out to unfamiliar people. Once again this is a fact. You cannot debate this. And if you don't like hummus, fuck you. I don't want you to read this. I will make an effort to hang out with the henna people before the day is over. I picture their booth looking like an Ottoman harem.

5:18-Although my NFL Guest Guesser picks have been disappointing, I currently stand at 8-5 against the spread for my week one picks with the Sunday night and the two Monday games to go.

6:09-This is what I really excel at in life -- I am incredible at avoiding work. Right now, I could be helping to unload a truck, but that would involve non-voluntary physical exertion on my part, something that I just cannot do. Instead I'm sitting here, checking the same football scores, over and over.

7:36-We are into the home stretch. (I am trying to use as many horse racing analogies as possible.) This is endurance bloggery at this point. I have been at it for over ten hours now, and I'm doing it all for you, loyal readers. The Manning Bowl has moved into the forth quarter, and Peyton is trying to blow it for me. I hate you so much, Peyton.


Blogger CSG said...

One cannot subsist on only fries alone. Maybe mashed potatoes, but certainly not fries, you philistine. And if I were to blog this much for 5 days I would have to change the name to "Death by Bloggery". That'd be like 20,000 words. That's like 50 pages.

8:15 PM


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