Random sports discussion, plus anything else I want to write about.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

A Bold Experiment

I have had a thought. Yes, and a wonderful thought it is. Tomorrow I shall take on that wonderous interweb-centric event that you and I call the "live blog." And not just any old run-of-the-mill event commonly subjected to live bloggery, such as a sporting event or live television award show, but that glorious entity we call "a day at the fair." And what better person to lead you through your day at the fair than I, a fair insider. (I am actual inside during the fair! Can you even wrap your feeble mind around that, loyal reader? Whilst the common man strolls through the fair grounds, eating his cotton candy and carrying the novelty stretched-out coke bottle that has been filled with sand and decorated to appear like a whimisical creature of sorts that he has purchased to remember said fair, I am inside a warehouse, yet still at the fair?! Isn't that mind-boggling? Is your mind appropriately boggled?) Yes, from the ornate throne I sit upon at the front of this warehouse, I will blog away, all the live-long day, in real time! Are you amazed how this medium is changing your life and expanding your mind in ways you never thought possible? Please, join me tomorrow on this magical mystery blograganza. You won't regret it.


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