Random sports discussion, plus anything else I want to write about.

Friday, September 08, 2006

Also Sprach Ryan Howard

Sweet Jesus. Ryan Howard hit two more home runs tonight, bringing his total to 56 this season. If the Phillies end up in the playoffs, he's a lock for MVP, even though Pujols may actually be slightly more deserving based on his season as a whole. Where Howard will benefit is the fact that he's hit better than Jesus since the all-star break, while Pujols decided to have the greatest April in history. Since the all-star break, Howard has hit a Ruthian (just a notch below Bondsian) .356/.492/.799 (AVG/OBP/SLG), and that's not even including tonight. He has 28 home runs since the all-star break, with over 2/3 of September to go. He will most likely hit 62 home runs, and, deserving or not, be crowned by the MSM as the "clean" single season home run leader. I'm just glad to have jumped on this bandwagon early, because this guy's going to be enormous. I personally see myself hating him in the next six months, but for now, at least, I get to bask in the glory of "I told you so"-dom.


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